
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sneak peek of a couple of little things to come!

I know it's October and I should be thinking about Halloween but I'm already trying to skip ahead to Christmas! On the Halloween front though I've already got the kids costumes (which this is the first year I've bought both costumes, and only the second time I've ever bought any!) so the only thing left was trick or treat bags. Of course I could have just grab the ones from last year and been done with it but it seems I have to make new ones every year! So sometime in the next week these 3D Applique Trick or Treat bags will make their debut with the tutorial.

They are so simple and totally customizable!

Also I'm a South Floridian so I'm big on the Hurricane Preparedness. Seeing as we're well stocked on bottled water, non perishable food, batteries and communication devices now I think about keeping the kids busy. It's generally not comfortable to play inside so a lot of the times are spent playing outside. So I'll be writing a little about what I do and at least one homemade game to play anywhere that will entertain the little ones while waiting for power to be restored... and AC!

And lastly, but so totally not least, I'm going to do a "Meet my Monsters" post about the fam so you'll know who I'm talking about all of the time. In this I'll also introduce our take on the kids "exception". This post may come sooner or later than the other two, I haven't decided yet.

I'm also going to try to take some nice photos of my projects. I'm obsessive about pictures and take about 12 every time I point my camera at something, hey you get a little difference each time! It sometimes bugs/bores hubby! Eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later, I'll be going to school to be a Photographer, but for now I'll have to do what I can. Maybe some pictures during the day would be good! I usually end up finishing a project during the night while the Peanut and Doodle Bug are sleeping! I don't have a lot of usable space inside right now due to remodeling but outside might be good...

So stay with me! It'll be fun, I promise!

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