
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So much to be thankful for... a short auto biography!

      Holiday's have always been... 'interesting' for me. Growing up I loved the holiday season. As a teen my Dad's frequent bad attitude towards odd things made things rough. As a young wife and mother it started to get better but money made it stressful. Last year we had just lost my step dad to cancer and we were staying with my wonderful mother. Neither Hubby or I were working yet as I was waiting for my position to open for my transfer from Ohio. This year things are exponentially better. We own our own home, Hubby has a really great job and things are finally stable now. So needless to say I'm super stoked! I am so excited about cooking Thanksgiving dinner in my very own kitchen, on my very own appliance that Hubby and I picked out together and didn't just come with our place or off the side of the road!
     My son also just lost his second tooth. He is also doing amazingly well in school. We were all in the dark as to whether or not his delays (due to his Apraxia) would hold him back. To get to go on to first grade next year he needs to be able to identify at least ten letters and the numbers 0-20. I promised him back in the beginning of October by Christmas he would know ten letters and his numbers 0-10. As of last Sunday night he knows 11 letters and his numbers 0-12.
      So that being said, there are just so many things I am thankful for. Wishing you all a happy and wonderful Thanksgiving, may it be filled with joy and warmth!

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