
Monday, January 10, 2011

"Being Mom"

According to my son, who has taken recently to saying, “You’re the best Mommy,” a mom cleans, sews and takes care of everybody. I find it amazing to look at things the way he does and to hear him say what he thinks. At his school they had a Christmas Shop where the kids could get gifts for their family and friends. Doodle Bug was amazingly in tune with what everyone would like. It’s really awesome to see what reminds him of specific people.
Around Christmas, maybe even on Christmas day, I had the idea to write this for my Mom and myself. I’m sure there will be more to add later. It took me longer to get around to than expected but I got it done! Here goes me sharing a little more of myself, and my mom, with the world.

Being Mom
Being Mom doesn’t stop.
Being Mom is not a job, it is a privilege.
Being Mom is coming when they call.
Being Mom is understanding them, because you did the same things.
Being Mom is watching them grow.
Being Mom is letting them go.
Being Mom is always being there, from across the country to across the street.
Being Mom is correcting them.
Being Mom is kissing boo-boos.
Being Mom is supporting ambitions.
Being Mom is late night runs to help with anything they need.
Being Mom is telling them why and not just what.
Being Mom is listening.
Being Mom is teaching morals and ethics.
Being Mom is being patient.
Being Mom is late night runs to the pharmacy.
Being Mom is wiping away tears.
Being Mom is reading to them until you fall asleep.
Being Mom is sharing the world with them.
Being Mom is teaching them manners.
Being Mom is teaching by example.
Being Mom is making mistakes.
Being Mom is telling them no.
Being Mom is passing on traditions.
Being Mom is being a leader.
Being Mom is not giving in.
Being Mom is laughing at knock knock jokes.
Being Mom is knowing they’ll make mistakes.
Being Mom is telling them everyone makes mistakes.
Being Mom is changing plans.
Being Mom is being continuously exhausted.
Being Mom is keeping the kid in you alive and playing.
Being Mom is remembering favorites.
Being Mom is loving unconditionally.
Being Mom is enjoying the moment.

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