
Monday, January 31, 2011

How are your resolutions coming along?

          What resolution(s) did you make? How are they coming along? I want to hear your stories, so here is mine!
          I've never made the 'lose weight' resolution until this year. I was always slender growing up but at about 16 my weight started to fluctuate. I was still in an acceptable range until about 18. Hubby and I got married when I was 18 and I had went from 120 when I met him a year earlier to 165 on our wedding day. Although I lost weight with both kids and already weighed less the days they were born than I did the day I got pregnant, the weight came back, and multiplied! Until now, when I am unfortunately 189. To get back to an acceptable, healthy weight I have to lose 54 pounds! 135 seems so very far away right now! And now for pictures! The first is a before, when I was a little underweight; the second is 3 weeks after Peanut was born when I was slightly over my healthy BMI weight but looked pretty good for someone who had just had a baby; and the last one is HORRIBLE, it was just this past Christmas morning. You have been warned.

Okay, so there you have it. What I was, what I am. That last picture really does show everything bad! My tummy, legs, butt and arms have all exploded! I have already started my weight loss plan. It's off to a slow start with only 3 pounds down, but tomorrow starts my second stage and I should be getting some great results soon! So how about you? Are you on track with your resolutions? Have you abandon them? Have you even started them? I want to hear from you. Leave some comments telling me how your doing, or a link to your blog so we can empower and encourage  each other! And always remember, this is my place so it is a safe zone!


  1. Im your newest follower from Bloggy MOms. Please visit my page and follow back at

  2. FOllowing you from Bloggy Moms. I applaud you for beginning your journey and being accountable. I lost 80 lbs last year and all it takes is consistency and constant motivation. Be sure to stop on by and say hi.

    P.S. If you need help, I'm on the fitness/weight loss side of the fence as well.

  3. Hi! Following you now from bloggy moms. Take it one day at a time. I lost 55 lbs over 10 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. Take your time and focus on the outcome. xo
