
Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun Friday Fotos... I mean photos!

               Today was supposed to be the day I started my "$300 a month grocery budget" project. And then I was going to do a craft addition too. Yeah, so this didn't happen. I didn't go grocery shopping, I didn't even make a list yet. I haven't been in my craft corner all day.
               I got up this morning and watched the Royal Wedding while Doodle Bug got ready for school. I hadn't been over-the-moon excited about it but man once it started I was glued! And there's nothing like watching all of that beauty to make you look around yourself and say, "I really don't feel like doing the same boring thing right now!"
               So no crafty, no grocery budget, I didn't cook or clean or do dishes. Peanut and I watched movies. Somewhere in there she managed to shove a popcorn kernel into her ear. Hubby got a small rubber tube and suctioned it out really gently so we wouldn't hurt her. That was an interesting moment...
               Doodle Bug's allergies got the best of him a while after he got home from school. While he was resting, Peanut had some water play fun out in the rain. Then Hubby helped her pull and wash a carrot, she was so pleased and was so cute munching away!
               So enjoy some cutey picture of Peanut and her fun in the rain, and carrot amazement!

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