
Monday, May 9, 2011

$251.24-65.94=$185.30 Week 2/May

               In case your new to HH, let me catch you up. I'm trying to feed my family of 4 on a budget of $300, inspired by Angel at Heart, Hands, Home.
               Week 2 went well. After writing out my list and totaling it up it came to about $50. We got a few extra grab-n-go foods which brought us to $65.94, still good. So we are looking at $185 for the rest of the month, which still seems very doable.

               Last week I was asked what some examples of a meal is for us. So each week, maybe more, I'll add a meal we make. This week it's a family favorite that my sister and I grew up on and still do to this day! It is super simple, cheap, and has veggies, carbs, protein.

               Mac and Cheese, Tuna and Peas!
               You can make it with one box or double it and it's still really cheap.
               For 5 servings you make the mac and cheese like you normally would, stir in 1 cup of room temp peas (or any veggie you like) and a can of drained tuna. Stir and serve. The kids love it and it was quick and easy!

               Sorry this post is so short, Doodle Bug was home sick from school today and I'm beat! See you all on Wednesday!

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