
Friday, October 29, 2010

Sorry, I'm not myself right now

So this week has been kind of horrible. I've been recovering from a past illness and Hubby got strep, now I think I'm getting it too. Also had a few Halloween plans. One was my son's first ever class party. I was supposed to be a Room Mother for this. It started at 11 on Thursday, which was a half day so they got out at noon. I got there at 10:50 to a Lock down due to a convict on the run in his underwear. I stood outside of the school with a growing amount of parents, some there for the parties others to pick up their kids. Missed the whole thing. We did manage so far to make it to the pumpkin patch. Got half way through the carving tonight and had to stop for not feeling well. Hopefully this weekend will be better and I'm really hoping to have a new project up for you guys if I can get to it. But at least I'll have pictures of the kids in their costumes to share!

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