
Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy November!

(Not sure why but blogger doesn't want to cooperate right now, I'm trying my best to get my pictures to go where I want but they keep running away!)

I didn't get to any new projects this weekend but we did manage to have a full weekend of Trick or Treating. 2 days, 1 mall, 2 fire stations and 1 neighborhood to be exact. The kids had a blast. This year was the first year I've bought both kids costumes, and only the second time I've ever bought any costumes! Even though the most popular costume this year was probably Iron Man, I still managed to make my little Doodle Bug unique. He was not only Iron Man but Tony Stark. And also morphed into Tony Stark on a bad night when the mask came off and he kept running into things and people and falling every two minutes! Everyone was amused by the creativity even if I had very little to do with it this year!

Now that Halloween is over I can feel free to get going on all of my Christmas projects! I have so many to share with you guys I could burst! Now that I'm starting to feel better a new project is on the horizon so make sure your ready with your supplies because you'll hopefully have more than enough inspiration to craft along with me! P.S. The first project will be with Greeting Cards, old or new, I use new but like all of my projects, totally customizable to yourself or the receiver! I'm so excited!!

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